I was supposed to keep this blogging thing going, and here we are...  T-W-O M-O-N-T-H-S later and I'm finally writing a update. And I keep on asking why. Why can't I keep up? Do I don't have the motivation?

Then I saw Lily Pebbles writting on her Instagram Stories that she has a strange relationship with her blog - even though it's the social media platform that started her career, it's difficult to maintane since it feels so lonely. On Instagram, SnapChat or even Facebook you get more or less a immediate respons from your readers, on a blog on the other hand it feels like I'm writting to myself. As much as I love the concept of a blog, it might just not be for me. I'll probaly check in from time to time, but I imagine that Instagram will be the place to interact, keep intouch and I will do my very best to update that page more often.